Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas on Temple Square

What a great season! Its been wonderful to prepare for Christmas. The whole family has been busy with their gift giving and having family near has been the best part. Last Saturday the family went down to Salt Lake to meet up with old family friends and pick up Allison, who had flown in on Thursday night and spent Friday with the students in Provo. We watched the Joseph Smith movie, had lunch at the Gateway, did some Christmas shopping, enjoyed the lights on Temple Square and sang as a family. I just love being with my family. Here are some pictures of the day.

My brothers are always doing something exciting. I'm not sure that they could simply walk from point A to point B without finding some fun in the surroundings. This time they were slipping around on the snow and leap frogging over each other!


Amber said...

These are some great pictures! So glad you have been enjoying your Christmas! :)

EJ said...

Awesome awesome awesome! Love the pictures, love your family and love you!