Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Glow

Last night I was placing some Christmas gift under the tree and I found a whole stash of Christmas lights that were just sitting there, begging to be used. Back in Vancouver the task of putting up the Christmas lights always fell to me. Partly because I was the only one who really enjoyed the task. There is just something about Christmas lights. My eyes are drawn to them and somehow the light seems to penetrate and warm my soul. In Vancouver we had thousands of lights that covered the house and yard. Here in Logan we don't have the luxury of a home right now but when I found those lights I went right to work and put them up in the living room and kitchen windows. Then I found a strand and put them up in my room. I feel asleep to the colorful glow of Christmas lights and something was finally right. I had put up the Christmas lights for another year of Christmas and today my heart is aglow with Christmas.

1 comment:

Rachel and John said...

We always have Christmas lights up in our appartment...we love having nothing but those is a peaceful glow...and it makes great movie lighting!
Have a happy rock!