Sunday, August 16, 2009

Luau and other bits of fun!

July 13th was my 27th birthday. It happened to fall on a Ward FHE night and we had a luau at my house. The party turned out great after a few hours of worry getting the food, decorations, etc. together and up. The food was great, limbo was a hit and tons of people showed up. I have to say the yard looked pretty great too. This was the first party in our new house and it proved to be the perfect party house! :)

The next day on Tuesday I went to ultimate frisbee just like always. But I was having a harder time getting into the game. There were two throws that I probably could have caught if I just would have dove for them but something was holding me back. Well in the midst of my frustration at missing those two throws, I got another perfect one that came my way. It was just a little two far to the left but I dove anyway and ended up landing right on my right shoulder. I heard two loud pops and when I rolled over to get up I knew I was in trouble. Then came the pain. We called mom to take me to the ER and friends got me a good, big bag of ice that saved me until they could see me in the ER. The saddest part of the whole story is that I failed to catch the frisbee!
Mom was excited when we got checked into the ER, got X-rays, saw a doctor and checked out all in two hours. She said it was a record! The diagnoses: I had separated my shoulder. I learned that this is when you damage all the tendons and ligaments that hold your shoulder together. My goods friends from Ultimate Frisbee came down to the ER to check on me and that was kind. I got fitted with a wonderful sling that kept my arm from moving at all. That first night was pretty painful and the next day was my day off work and I was out of it the whole day. I've since seen my specialist twice and I was really lucky. Often this kind of an injury results in surgery but mine was a mild case and I just needed to stay off of it for about six weeks.
I've still managed to stay pretty active despite it all. We went up to Tony Grove to ride the Mtn. bike trail down. I have wanted to do it all summer but it has always been one thing or the other. This time the boys went down and Alexandra, Lindy and I went for a short hike. It was nice. The flowers where right in there glory and it was nice to get my mind off of the pain.

That weekend we cleaned out the garage as a family. We de-junked a bunch of stuff and took a load or two to a storage unit. This house is a lot smaller and we still haven't managed to get rid of all our junk but we are getting closer! I helped where I could but there wasn't much I could do.
At the end of the hot day we all went for a float down the canal and that was super fun. It was cold but it helped my shoulder. Anyway, I just like spending time with my family. This last picture has got to be one of my favorites this summer. I love my family!

1 comment:

The Fifes said...

i am so sorry about your shoulder! And how did i miss you had a july birthday!? Mine was the 22nd. It looks like you had fun! Hope you heal fast! Go easy on it so it will heal right-- that's hard to do when you want to be so active!