Sunday, October 5, 2008

BYU v. USU/Mission Reunion

A week and a half ago I got hired for a temporary job helping out with the BYU tailgate party for the BYU vs. USU game 10/3/08. It has been fun to be event planning but there was a lot to do and it took more time then I anticipated. Friday, all the plans came together. We had the BYU Cheerleaders and Cosmo there along with the BYU Bookstore and Tom Holmoe, the Athletic Director of BYU. We had a big blow up for the football toss and a great DJ who was a big BYU fan. The whole thing was catered by Hamilton's Steak and Seafood. The only thing that didn't really word was the cotton candy machine. We were going to sell the cotton candy and drinks. I'm not sure how that turned out in the end because I left to go to my mission reunion. 
It was so much fun to see everyone again. I thought it would be a quick stop-by visit but once I got there it was hard to leave. It was great catching up with friends. It was especially fun to see some of the missionaries I taught in the MTC back from their missions as well. Time goes fast and missionary work has been a big part of my life for the last five years. I hope that will never change. I had to leave just as some of my sister friends were coming but I was already late for the game.
I got there right at half time and the rivalry was on. I sat with mom and dad in their Aggie gear while I was decked out in BYU blue. BYU had come out strong in the first quarter that I missed. The rest of the game was a surprising rally for USU. They got two touchdowns and would have had another two more were it not for penalties. In the end BYU won as expected but it was fun to have the rivalry right there in the family. I forgot how much I love watching football!

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